Joining OUHS as a member is an excellent way to support the society. We have updated our pricing structure for MT23, making it more affordable and accessible than it's ever been.
Membership is available to any member of the University of Oxford. Any member of any other educational institution in Oxford or a resident of the City of Oxford is also eligible, so long as they pay the membership fee. You can buy membership in-person at events or online.
Membership Prices:
University Members:
NB - Must produce valid University ID
One year - £4
Lifetime - £9
Non-University Members:
One year - £6
Lifetime - £14
Members of OUHS are entitled to enter our regular events free of charge, and are invited to our AGM. For access pricing, please get in touch with our Treasurer.
Buying membership will not automatically subscribe you to our mailing list, so if you want to receive OUHS news please also fill out the mailing list subscription box on our homepage.