Emergence of a Regional Statehood: On Kakatiyan Polity
Abishek Matta (Somerville College, Oxford)
Between the Court of King Hal and the New Frontier: A Comparative History of Henry V and John F. Kennedy
James Nevett (Brasenose College, Oxford)
Transnational History and Integration: The Case of the Yunnan Myth
Callum Coleman (University of St. Andrews)
‘The land of our fathers’: Global Visions in African American Churches, 1870-1970
Vaishna Surjid
J’Accuse! – How the Dreyfus Affair Reshaped French Politics
Daniel Hubbard (St. John's College, Oxford)
To what extent was the Bolshevik victory between 1917 and 1921 due to genuine popular support?
David Saveliev (Oxford)
Romania and Her Jews: Wartime Anti-Semitism within the Romanian Orthodox Church
Katherine Booska (University of California, Berkley)
Opportunity, Charisma, and an Ill-Defined Mission: Indonesian Nationalism's Ticket to the Top
Maya Richardson (St. Cross College, Oxford)
‘Once a Polio Victim’: Wilma Rudolph and American Exceptionalism at the 1960 Olympics
Elizabeth Rees (St. Catherine's College, Oxford)
Homo Soveticus Gorbyus: Was Mikhail Gorbachev responsible for the collapse of the USSR?
David Saveliev (Oxford)
Neil Banerji (Oxford)
Book Reviews
Review of Accursed Tower by Roger Crowley (Yale University Press, London and New Haven, 2019)
Dominic Clearkin (Lincoln College, Oxford)
Review of Antigone Rising: The Subversive Power of the Ancient Myths by Helen Morales (New York: Bold Type Books 2020, pp. 224. $14.99)
Esther Reichek (Yale University)
“That his Poems will not be Immortal”, Martial in Early Modern England
Geraint Hughes (University of California, Berkley)
Lestra Atlas (St. Cross College, Oxford)
Scarlette Zhu (Oxford)