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Editorial (full text)

List of Contributors (full text)


International Jewish Organizations During the Holocaust: Towards a Transnational History of the Women’s International Zionist Organisation
Barnabas Balint (Magdalen College, Oxford) 
(full text)

"Christ has redeemed us by the shedding of his precious blood": the emotional regime of Blut Christi, and its significance on the German Peasants' War, 1525

Leon Hughes (Mansfield College, Oxford) (full text)

Colonialism and South Africa s COVID 19 Public Health Response: An Examination
Calvin Jordan (Rhodes University, South Africa) 
(full text)

The ‘dim afterglow’ of imperialism – Postcolonialism and the United Nations in the 20th century 

Ernest Lee (Trinity College, Oxford) (full text)

The Threat of a Trousered African: Infantilization, Paranoia and Hierarchy in Colonial Sub Saharan Africa
Vaishna Surjid (Mansfield College, Oxford) 
(full text)

Dissertations and Theses

Between the Pagoda and the Politburo: Exploring the intersection between imperialism and socialism in the early People’s Republic of China through its Tibetan periphery, 1951-9
Ben Hales (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford) 
(full text)

The Politics of Imperial Trade: A study of the Colonial Debts Act of 1732
Nicholas George Leah (Lincoln College, Oxford) 
(full text)

The Keynesian revolution within the British administration 1945-1947

Soline Schweisguth (Somerville College, Oxford) (full text)

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