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Editorial (full text)

List of Contributors (full text)



The Judaism of an Egyptian Heroine in a Greek Novel: the Eclectic Identity of Aseneth 

Valentina Grasso (University of Cambridge) (full text)

'They cannot look for salvation anywhere but themselves,' how black women empowered the civil rights movement through non-traditional leadership

Georgia Allen (University College, Oxford) (full text)

Lenin - a real Marxist or an imposter?

Stanimir Minov (University of Oxford) (full text)

Nazik al-'Abid's Nur al-Fayha: A Kurdish Woman's Magazine in 1920 Damascus

Ceighley Cribb (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford) (full text)

'Hain stopped play': the triumph of the Stop the Seventy Tour campaign

Alex Hampton (St Catherine's College, Oxford) (full text)

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